Mary Fitzgerald is a popular name in the world of reality TV, thanks to her appearance on the hit Netflix show “Selling Sunset.” The show follows the lives of real estate agents working at The Oppenheim Group, a high-end brokerage firm in Los Angeles. Fitzgerald is one of the main cast members of the show, and her personal life has been a topic of interest for fans.
Recently, there have been rumors circulating about Mary Fitzgerald’s pregnancy. Read More...
Russell Wilson surprised the NFL world when he listed the Chicago Bears as a preferred destination if the Seahawks were to trade him. Apparently, the interest is very much mutual.
According to a report in the Chicago Tribune, the Bears “have prioritized making a run” at Wilson as they attempt to complete a decades-long search for a franchise quarterback. The report noted that the other teams Wilson listed as preferred landing spots – the Cowboys, Saints and Raiders – all have circumstances that would make a trade difficult. Read More...
Safaree just told his fans that he’s going to get his body done and people freak out because they don’t know what to expect. Check out the post that he shared on his social media account that has followers wondering what he’s up to these days.
‘Heading to Columbia to get my body done. can’t wait 💪🏾‼️ Enhance what you want 🌚🌚’ Safaree wrote.
A follower said: ‘Please NO what are our men turning into 🥴😩’ Read More...