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Womans TikTok Video Shows the Harsh Reality of Pregnancy, Netizens Relate to Before-and-After Pic

  • A woman went on TikTok to share a video of how she looked during pregnancy and how she looked before
  • The mother-to-be shared a video showcasing the different stages of being pregnant and how the swelling made her look completely different
  • Netizens from across the globe flocked to the comment section to share similar stories and one woman spoke to Briefly News to share how her body changed during pregnancy

A woman has gone viral on TikTok after sharing a video of side-by-side photos of herself before and during pregnancy.

Pregnant woman stuns

In the video, TikTok user @tiffanyeweka can be seen looking slim and trim in the before photo, while she seems noticeably more swollen in the photos that followed.

The video has been viewed over 700K times and has thousands of likes, with many netizens having commented to share their own experiences with pregnancy weight gain.

In an exclusive comment to Briefly News, Tebogo Mabala, whose body also drastically changed during pregnancy, says:

"I never thought I would be one of those people who gained a lot of weight during pregnancy, but I did. I've gained close to 25 kilograms and I felt like my body was completely out of control. I was so self-conscious and I hated the way I looked. I know it's all for a good reason, but it's was hard to adjust to."I was so grateful to be pregnant, but I was also struggling with the changes to my body. I felt like I've lost control of my body. I was trying to be positive, but it's hard sometimes. Its true what this lady says, pregnancy can truly humble you, but seeing my daughter now it was worth it."

Watch the video below:

Netizens understand woman's video

The pregnant woman's video sparked a conversation about the unrealistic expectations often placed on women's bodies after childbirth. Many netizens have commented to say that they appreciate the woman's honesty and vulnerability and that her video has helped them feel less alone.

People shared their experiences in the comment section:

@user8454717454726 shared:

"I will never understand pregnancy nose."

@Kgobi Ledwaba commented:

"I was like, 'not bad' until I saw the last photo."

@Antonieta said:

"That’s why we should NEVER accept 50/50, we sacrifice everythinggg."

@wonderlustexplore explained:

"The fear of swelling had me on strictly no processed foods, little to no salt, water, exercise."

@ley_ley87 joked:

"Someone said, 'What bites y'all when you get pregnant?"

@Bee shared:

"Crazy thing is my nose literally went back to its old size as soon as the baby came out! Like I woke up the next day and it was back to normal."

Woman finds out she’s pregnant

In a similar story, Briefly News reported about a woman who got big news that she was going to be a mother in a video that went viral because of her interaction with the doctor.

The lady was trying to come to terms with her new reality while the health worker was trying to see how she was processing the news. The interaction between the doctor and the mom-to-be thoroughly amused many people.
